Friday, September 12, 2008

mish mash mish mash of thoughts

Halloween is actually pretty soon! The last year has flown by at a significant rate. It seems like only last week that we were all dressed as dipset at East Village making fun of the girl on top of the bar next to us (only to find out later said girl was actually a boy...with better legs than all of us.)
But this year I so I obviously want to be a bunny because
1. I'm the bunny whisperer
2. I mean, do you know me?
3. I already have most of the costume because I wore it once this summer at Jenny's animal party.

I really wish I could safely rollerskate around all night because if there's one thing Banana's rollerskating. But knowing me, the mess that I will probably be that night, and large crowds of people, I'd rather not take the risk of killing myself and/or injuring anyone within a 20 foot radius of me.
And the krogers across the street is already selling pumpkins, which I hate because who is really going to buy a pumpkin RIGHT NOW? What the hell are you going to do with a pumpkin right now? Except look at it sitting around in your home, wasting away the $5 that you prematurely spent (either that or risking some little shit smashing it as it sits outside.)

I also keep having these really strange dreams, which is so weird because my normal dreams are more mundane than my actual life (i.e. me walking around and looking at things, me noticing things, me talking to people, etc.)
These dreams aren't even that fantastic either (i.e. I had a dream that Jordan bought a vending machine...but it was small and looked wooden...I know, cool right?)

Stupid People:
I also reallllly want our trashy neighbors to move and/or be kicked out. The chance of them actually being evicted from their apartment is pretty high right now considering they've only lived there for about 3-4 months and have already had 2 or more violations against their lease for 1.) being way too loud and 2.) leaving trash all over outside their apartment.
A list of reasons I do not enjoy these people:
1. they smoke inside their apartment so now our apartment smells like an armpit, always
2. they have 50 million of their friends over every night
3. half of their friends are probably still in high school
4. one of the neighbor's boyfriends has a car with the words "TRONIC" down the side. What does that even mean, dude?
5. they just suck at life in general (i.e, last weekend jaime saw one of them hit a parked car twice and then not leave a note. Cool, I hope you burn the fiery pits of adolescent hell.)

I've also been really content lately and reading a lot more.
let's hope things stay this way.

1 comment:

Jaime said...

FUUUUCK our neighbors.

and wen haircare is from an infomercial, it's like..... conditioning shampoo. since shampooing strips your hair of natural oils it doesn't lather and will HOPEFULLY make my hair not ugly anymore.